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ABOUT AUTHOR           























ABOUT THE AUTHOR                                                   







      Appearances   in U S Journals of Poetry


Names of Poems/Writings/Magazines 

Fear in   GHOST DANCE, International Qly. of Experimental Poetry,   No 16,Michigan St Uni.

Hallelujah in PHOEBE-THE GEORGE MASON REVIEW,   Vol.   4,No,1,1974,George Mason University.

In the Outskirts... in UTREVIEW,1975, Uni of Tampa.

A Poem for Man who owns the Earth./..The Bee Dance./.In a Nutshell/ Off on a Journey, Omnium Gatherum  in    SECOND GROWTH, Vol. , No2,1975, State University of New Jersey.

Turtle's Meditation Poem in FORUM of Ball State Uni, Vol. No.xvii,No3,Summer,1976

Lies  in PHOEBE-THE GEORGE MASON REVIEW, of the George Mason  Uni.,

One Day In the Life of a Poem in PERSPECTIVES, Winter 75-76
St Uni Coll. at Potsdam, NY, 1976.

Girl in a Railroad Station in PASSAGE, in Triton College,1975

Dance of Siva in SEQUOYA St. Johns Uni,1978

Creativity in GHOST DANCE No 33, Mich. Stat. Uni.

Timelife// Poem for those// Eyesight...in JESTURE,VolXI,No1,1975, StThomasMoreCollege

Mother Earth in SECOND GROWTH , Vol 1, No2,1975

St Uni of New Jersey.

Death - two forms in GHOSTDANCE No 31,Mich St. Uni,

Hands in SEQUOYA ,1982  St.John's Uni.

Natures Promoters//Lines to William Stafford//

Essay on Walt Whitman// in WEST HILLS REVIEW, Vol. No3, by Walt Whitman Association, USA

Afterlove in American Poetry Anthology, by Am Poetry Association,1984


 Some honours and awards for poems:-

Hallelujah -  SECOND Honorable Mention Award, International Poets and Patrons Contest,1974

America - SECOND prize in the International American Bicentennial Poetry Contest, conducted by the Poets and Patrons Incorporated, in 1976

Afterlove - FIRST PRIZE in the Winter Contest of 1979,by Indiana State Federation of Poetry Clubs in 1979.


Other Writings:

Book Reviews appeared in IIB Journal, Mumbai, India .

Articles on Banking and Rural Development appeared in the SWACHID Journal 5/86,Chennai,India



The authoring of this magazine is solely done by 
D PARAMESWARAN   male, now in Madurai ,Tamil Nadu, India born in 1952 in South India, having written poetry in English  published in the USA, and having followed Walt Whitman for everyday practice of life, THE WAY OF LIVING spreading humanism and love for humanity. 

  Late American Poet, William Stafford knew this  writer and wrote a few letters in reply as poets across the oceans.

Mr. William Stafford,  wrote:

"this writer is very productive and that his spontaneous writings demonstrate invention and good spirit.  He has a hungry mind, one given to reading and thinking. There is a quality of openness and curiosity that charms the reader."

 27 Jul 1981\ signed :William Stafford

          Prof of English, Lewis and Clark College , Portland, Oregon, USA.

i have His letters which are treasures to read once a while to recollect his maturity in thinking and his broad mind, a liberated soul indeed!!  The writer is thankful to many US writers who wrote to keep the confidence in  writing up. 






EDITORIAL ::                  

                                     sunflowerdance , actually

is a web magazine 5 yrs old  originally  a tabloid  of 1975?! with private circulation, meant for showing proper directions to man, who has lost his treasured heavenly world of love and affiliation, to a world of mental confusion, high hubris, and impermeable thought processes heading toward his own hellish life, before death.

Man on the earth has given to his children and grand children a hell of a life, and the future generations may or may not know it.

 IT is desired to search for means for true knowledge,  finding energy and ways for implementing it into actions amidst challenges, threats, illusions, and maayaa, trying to succeed in life by disseminating true knowledge in a truthified world of untruth, to seekers of knowledge who are primarily loyal to themselves, in finding about life.

It will reiterate the voices of Walt Whitman and other great men of the world who wanted all the people of the earth to be happy. For humanism to survive, more efforts are wanting/necessary.

We have become mere consumers.

Catastrophes and war occur due to the ignorance of the people to be united for good causes. People are traded in by advertisements and media brain washes. People who have faith in the philosophy are welcome to write in and spread the message in humble anticipation of the re-growth of confidence in humanism and man's emancipation from hell..  What, once the great American souls of true liberalism and free thinking thought of as a dream, remained a dream never the less and it is time it must see the light of the day, one day. 

Our hard earned ordinary past realities, like good healthy body and mind  are becoming dreams!!

Evolution works for it even if we don't. But, let us come together for a better world, and expedite its making.

For instance I have been having the idea of starting Whitman Clubs in schools so that children should have an opportunity to learn to love each other leaving differences aside. Loving nature, creatures, and fellow beings should be taught to them.

Schools have become commercial and make children toil through the hours of the day like a CEO or a Minister or a  Manager. They also carry loads of books mercilessly imposed or followed by the unimaginative, un-empathetic school POLICIES. How to remove the torture of carrying book loads to schools??. Have a locker for each in the school, with the money earned through the year.??

Yes, Why not?  





 What, once the great American souls of true liberalism and free thinking thought of as a dream, remained a dream never the less and it is time it  must see the light of the day, one day.  Evolution works for it even if we don't. But, let us come together for a better world, and expedite its making.

   The hard wrought , earned., & realized dreams of the West are today again dreams, day dreams, that can never be realized again. Today life is a nightmare for the West.  The east has followed suit . A humiliating heritage for the future generations that we leave behind!!

And we are the unabashed!



Cordially Yours,



 walt whitman club



for better life style concepts.......


desires that the spirit of the feelings of Walt Whitman be brought to life here and every where,  around the world, to bring peace and happiness to all; there is a path /way of humanism leading to welfare of all without aggression and without usurping of others' happiness.

let us chalk out a way .


Mere reading of poetry of Whitman and doing research do not bring any activism to life nor any utility to our existence and that of others. 


Literature that does not bring social change social progress is to be loathed.

It should not become an esoteric affair of a few people living with noses in the air.


There are many school associated Trusts or service orgs but none of them are infusing DISCIPLINE or the Joy of Living, as a Human being into the children's mind,  leave alone, the other sides, for which there are many or too many.


Hence I had lived out practically, what he meant in his life and I enjoyed the theory and practice equally.

Come on school owners, managements, start doing these workshops in humanism for the future of the world

Let us see what we can do to the camaraderie, the best that we can.!





The scenes of parting with the people after social work activities lasting for 3 yrs.

 The love of the people of India is just as W Whitman desired. They are simple and rich in their hearts and minds, as I moved from place to place in India











email : dpsfd2004@yahoo.com

mobile: 9442285506

  kindly pardon me, with the incomplete and disorderly construction of this site. This is faraway from what I aspired for . I am working on it little by little. and I expect it to be better for your viewing.
Just imagine a man of my age and work, ! I rarely find time to do this. Inspite of it, my interest has created this site.
I typed all these pages in the last 5 yrs and I designed it all.
My love for the subject and My speed in typing at night 1 pm or 2pm somedays, have all created. There are many friends I earned thru this site. Thanks.
Wish U a Good and Pleasant Day !