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Appearances in U S Journals of Poetry Names of Poems/Writings/Magazines Fear in GHOST DANCE, International Qly. of Experimental Poetry, No 16,Michigan St Uni. Hallelujah in PHOEBE-THE GEORGE MASON REVIEW, Vol. 4,No,1,1974,George Mason University. In the Outskirts... in UTREVIEW,1975, Uni of Tampa. A Poem for Man who owns the Earth./..The Bee Dance./.In a Nutshell/ Off on a Journey, Omnium Gatherum in SECOND GROWTH, Vol. , No2,1975, State University of New Jersey. Turtle's Meditation Poem in FORUM of Ball State Uni, Vol. No.xvii,No3,Summer,1976 Lies in PHOEBE-THE GEORGE MASON REVIEW, of the George Mason Uni.,
One Day In the Life of a Poem in PERSPECTIVES, Winter 75-76 Girl in a Railroad Station in PASSAGE, in Triton College,1975 Dance of Siva in SEQUOYA St. Johns Uni,1978 Creativity in GHOST DANCE No 33, Mich. Stat. Uni. Timelife// Poem for those// Eyesight...in JESTURE,VolXI,No1,1975, StThomasMoreCollege Mother Earth in SECOND GROWTH , Vol 1, No2,1975 St Uni of New Jersey. Death - two forms in GHOSTDANCE No 31,Mich St. Uni, Hands in SEQUOYA ,1982 St.John's Uni. Natures Promoters//Lines to William Stafford// Essay on Walt Whitman// in WEST HILLS REVIEW, Vol. No3, by Walt Whitman Association, USA Afterlove in American Poetry Anthology, by Am Poetry Association,1984 ********
Hallelujah - SECOND Honorable Mention Award, International Poets and Patrons Contest,1974 America - SECOND prize in the International American Bicentennial Poetry Contest, conducted by the Poets and Patrons Incorporated, in 1976 Afterlove - FIRST PRIZE in the Winter Contest of 1979,by Indiana State Federation of Poetry Clubs in 1979. ***********
Book Reviews appeared in IIB Journal, Mumbai, India . Articles on Banking and Rural Development appeared in the SWACHID Journal 5/86,Chennai,India
The authoring of this magazine is solely done by
27 Jul 1981\ signed :William Stafford Prof of English, Lewis and Clark College , Portland, Oregon, USA.
sunflowerdance , actually
desires that the spirit of the feelings of Walt Whitman be brought to life here and every where, around the world, to bring peace and happiness to all; there is a path /way of humanism leading to welfare of all without aggression and without usurping of others' happiness. let us chalk out a way .
Mere reading of poetry of Whitman and doing research do not bring any activism to life nor any utility to our existence and that of others.
Literature that does not bring social change social progress is to be loathed. It should not become an esoteric affair of a few people living with noses in the air.
There are many school associated Trusts or service orgs but none of them are infusing DISCIPLINE or the Joy of Living, as a Human being into the children's mind, leave alone, the other sides, for which there are many or too many.
Hence I had lived out practically, what he meant in his life and I enjoyed the theory and practice equally. Come on school owners, managements, start doing these workshops in humanism for the future of the world Let us see what we can do to the camaraderie, the best that we can.!
contact: email:
mobile: 9442285506 kindly pardon me, with the incomplete and disorderly construction of
this site. This is faraway from what I aspired for . I am working on it little
by little. and I expect it to be better for your viewing.